Which dropper model should I use for my tycoon?

Hello Developers! I’m currently making a tycoon(button style). I was modeling droppers for my tycoon but i can’t decide which dropper to use it so im here to ask you people. Should i use them all? (Color and material can be changed)

Note : I’m new to Blender. It would be great for me if you write how I can develop these models further!

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I’d say the second or third ones. Good models for a beginner btw.


Thank you! I am determined to take myself from the beginner level to the higher levels.


I think you should use them all, they all look great! Even if they don’t look great to you, you can let the ones that look bad cost less.


Thank you! I will use all of them or remake the models that i didn’t like it.

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Yes, all. I can see progression here that develops from lower levels to likely better droppers.

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