Which Game Icon Do You Prefer?

Hey all! I’m Infinite_Visions, owner and developer of Visions Games.

My recent project has been a big one, for me, and I’m thinking of sponsoring it. Which of these two game icons do you prefer? What can I do better on? Which would be the best, in your opinion, in terms of sponsoring?

The Icons (full size):


The Icons (small size):

Which Icon Do You Prefer?
  • Icon 1
  • Icon 2(The Drawing)

0 voters

These are both for my game The Coast. Thank you for your input!


Icon 1 would probably be better as it’s showing what your game is somewhat about. The thing that bugs me on icon 1 is that the mountains are bland and untextured. Hope my advice helps!


That definitely helps! I’ll update the mountains so they look better, thanks!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that you should probably change the lighting as it looks a bit awkward.
(I’m a pretty new dev so I don’t really know HOW to do it, but that’s what I could come up with.)


What type of lighting do you think could make it look better? I can apply filters to it

As I said, I’m not the best with this kind of stuff :sweat_smile: But you should probably try with what you think looks best!

the first icon would be very good if some lightning adjustments were made

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What type of lighting adjustments were you thinking? Any tips? And thanks for the feedback :grin:

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Something like the lightning used in GFXs, try making the main focus of the image the guy riding the jetski by pointing lightning at him to make him appear even more, dont make it too bright just make it look like natural sun light

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Got it, I’ll definately attempt to that (I may fail miserably, but it is worth trying :slight_smile: )

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Good luck, ill make sure to play the game when its fully complete! :wink:

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Yeah, building up on what the others have said, basically the first icon would work amazingly well, you need to make lighting adjustments to add more depth to how everything is placed, you really want it to pop out to people.

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Thanks! I hate to admit it, but I made that in studio and just took a screenshot, but I am going to redo it in blender, with better lighting.

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Oh! That makes so much more sense. Yes! Play with the lighting in blender, it’ll make a HUGE difference.


I thought everyone voted for the drawing :flushed:

But the 2 jobs turned out really nice anyway


Thank you! I am going to work on improving both as time progresses.

The problem with the second thumbnail is the quality. It’s better for shark games, although, I don’t see The Coast being one.