Which Icon Looks better?



2 is just a mockup, if I do decide on it then I’ll go ahead and draw the character in the background. Honestly I think 1 looks better just cause I like simple icons like deepwoken, but I don’t know which would grab people’s attention more. So let me know which one would work best as a game icon for getting players.


2 by far but just do a little changes(like more details) then itll look better


The 1st one is quite simplistic. It’s good but the color choice is not. The 2nd one looks better but I am not a fan of the posing and the character i.e you just used the dummy. Also I think the showdown text has a bit too much dark on the top. Lower it.


Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 9.57.15 PM
he’s holding it weridly, maybe put the sword a bit more inside the arm
but yeah
consider making the title pop
make it stand out, for example:

you can easily see the text, but your font is a little messy and unreadable at times, considering turning down the shadow effect a bit more and make the color on the text consistant
Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 10.00.30 PM


yeah, like I said the second one is just a mockup, I wasn’t looking for feedback on the design since I can pretty obviously tell it doesn’t look finished, and it isn’t. I was moreso asking about which type of design works better for getting players.

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yeah sorry my creation-feedback side got the better of me
I would honestly say two, depends on what audience you’re targetting
if you’re targetting ipad kids (6-10), then the second one is the way to go, it provides context of what the game is about and gives a general idea at a glance
only choose one IF
your game has a big reputation ahem deepwoken ahem
Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 10.17.09 PM
not great practice but can be a refreshing look from all the front page garbage
take a look at this, which one do you see first?

(probably deepwoken or the mm2 game)
why? because its big, unlike more complex ones, which may need time to understand what the icon is

first one:
pros: eye catching, may spark curiosity and cleaner look
cons: lack of context (you may want to switch the icon for a sword)

second one:
pros: provides information for the game
cons: use up precious screen space and could lead to a “noisy” icon (although the new big icons could solve this issue)

use whatever you think look best, try to think like a new player, would you click on it if this popped up in your recommended?


yeah wow I didn’t even notice, my eyes just naturally gravitated towards deepwoken :skull:

That being said, It’s pretty hard for me to say which a new player would be more interested in playing. From my perspective, just the simple deepwoken logo is miles more interesting than all the incomprehensible garbage that floods the front page. But that’s just me, seeing as how most of the playerbase is much younger, I really have no idea what they’d be interested in playing. Sure, the icons flooded with a bunch of text and colors attract attention, but I couldn’t really say if that’s more interesting than just a simple icon. So I really don’t know the way to go here. I think I’ll experiment once my game goes live, maybe go through my analytics and see if changing the icon makes a difference

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2 seems to be the way to go
now i know you said its a mockup but, its an elemental game.
so make sure to include something title related in the icon.


i mean the first one is fine if it represents the game well, deepwoken was an exception but take a look at these:

they combine the two
the show the game’s content in a simple and understandable manner
from a glance, i could tell you what the game could be about, in contrast to more complex icons
just make sure the icon represents you game well is all im saying


i would suggest making the

just “ES”
you already know the title of the game from the… title of the game, why waste screen space with this large icon?

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i agree, though i think that title can be put in the thumbnail, just not in the icon

Both of these icons look very good! The second one shown is much better though, it has the name of the game and more stuff in it. Nice job on both of these!