I built a statue with slot of parts and I unioned it and turned it into a mesh which is better for lag?
Parts are optimized the best that they can be already. Believe it or not, images and textures should be your main concern. But, if you do have like thousands of parts, then you can union the ones that are the same color to reduce part count. However, turning it into a mesh doesn’t make much of difference.
Just set the union’s RenderFidelity to Automatic and it will have an in-build LoD system. Plus, for small objects, set the Collision Fidelity to Box or Hull to minimize collision calculations. I mean, it doesn’t really matter if a small candle collides like a box and not exactly like a candle, right?
So which is better turning it into a mesh or union for lag
This may sound odd but avoid using unions (if you can) as of now (I don’t know if this will change in the future though so don’t quote me on this) since union corruptions are quite a common issue with unions. Yes it is possible to “retrieve” the unions back but its very hacky in doing so imo. Plus, if something goes wrong, you aren’t gonna have a backup of the union on hand.
If you were going to create a mesh on the otherhand, its more adjustable in faces/vertices imo and you’ll have a “backup” already if the one on roblox fails somehow?
Ok Thxs for the suggestion