Which is better? R6 or R15 (Animating)

(Sorry if this is in the wrong category, I’m not sure if it was better to put it here or discussions.)

Basically, I’m trying to learn to animate. (I’m super bad at it and am struggling with poses, So i wan’t to learn it)

But my question was, What is easier to animate for beginners? R15 or R6?
R6 looks good in my opinion, But can be hard due to the limbs.
R15 looks alright, But might be easier due to the fact the limbs are accurate?

So far i have only animated with R6 and wonder if i should go to R15.

R6 Obviously. The best way to make scripts!

Scripts as in? I’m trying to animate, Not code.

Then I Think it would be R15, Because R15 has got all the bones that you need to animate “realistically”

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Yeah, I thought R15 due to the fact i can make the poses IRL and copy it, But i wanted others opinions to see if i am correct.

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R15 for realism. R6 for non-realism. R6 is incredibly easy to animate though, so in most cases it’s used with games that are cartoony and have custom animations. Truuuust me, R6 is not difficult :smile:

May I please get some context as to what your game is? I recommend starting off with R6.


Then you are correct, R15 is the best way to Animate!

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Well it isn’t gonna be a game (I’m trying to make a funny animated video about JoJo stands)

I guess i should keep trying with R6 then?

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r6 is alot simpler and easier and quicker to animate, but r15 done correctly really gets the cake


R6 would be best for that and your experience :smile: go with R6 for like any JoJo game

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Yes in that case R6 is better.

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Wow that looks really good, But i think i’ll stick to R6 since it fits what i want to make.

Motion capture for serious and mature games is so gorgeous though. It really depends on the context, but for you R6 is definitely the way to go.

I started with R15 though and it worked out okay, but you want to begin with a JoJo animation so that’s completely fine, doesn’t really matter what you start with :smile:

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