local myTable = {}
myTable[1] = 1
myTable[2] = 2
myTable[3] = 3
myTable[4] = 4
myTable[5] = 5
-- pretend these are objects that are being gradually added throughout gameplay, such as workspace.part, not numbers
if myTable[cast.instance] then
-- do something
local myTable = {}
table.insert(myTable, 1)
table.insert(myTable, 2)
table.insert(myTable, 3)
table.insert(myTable, 4)
table.insert(myTable, 5)
-- pretend these are objects that are being gradually added throughout gameplay, such as workspace.part, not numbers
if table.insert(find, cast.Instance) then
-- do something
local a1 = tick()
for i = 1, 10000000 do
local myTable = {}
myTable[1] = 1
myTable[2] = 2
myTable[3] = 3
myTable[4] = 4
myTable[5] = 5
if myTable[4] then
local a = true
local a2 = tick()
local b1 = tick()
for i = 1, 10000000 do
local myTable = {}
table.insert(myTable, 1)
table.insert(myTable, 2)
table.insert(myTable, 3)
table.insert(myTable, 4)
table.insert(myTable, 5)
-- pretend these are objects that are being gradually added throughout gameplay, such as workspace.part, not numbers
if table.insert(myTable, 4) then
local b = true
local b2 = tick()
print("Time for method 1:", a2-a1)
print("Time for method 2:", b2-b1)
local a1 = tick()
for i = 1, 10000000 do
local myTable = {}
myTable[1] = 1
myTable[2] = 2
myTable[3] = 3
myTable[4] = 4
myTable[5] = 5
if myTable[4] then
local a = true
local a2 = tick()
local b1 = tick()
for i = 1, 10000000 do
local myTable = {}
table.insert(myTable, 1)
table.insert(myTable, 2)
table.insert(myTable, 3)
table.insert(myTable, 4)
table.insert(myTable, 5)
-- pretend these are objects that are being gradually added throughout gameplay, such as workspace.part, not numbers
if table.find(myTable, 4) then
local b = true
local b2 = tick()
print("Time for method 1:", a2-a1)
print("Time for method 2:", b2-b1)