Which is the most effective admin system?

Greetings everyone.
So i stuck on choosing an admin system, HD Admin or Kohl? Or you know any other better system? My friend said Kohl is easily exploitable, is that true? Or it’s better to make your own simple admin system?

When choosing an admin system, you need to think about your needs. Does one have commands that you need and the other does not?

Also, all admin systems have their flaws. Can you explain how Kohl’s Admin Infinite is easily exploitable?

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I use my admin commands in my games. I don’t know if it’s 100% not exploitable, but I know what is in my admin’s scripts, not as when you add custom commands to your game.

Well, most games i played, had kohl, and most of them had exploiters, with HD admin i saw less exploiters.

My needs are simple; create problems for exploiters with compromising system.


Yes, in this case you should use HD Admin.

They could have had fake versions of Kohl’s Admin Infinite which are known to have backdoors.

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Aight, i appreciate your help! I’ll stick with HD Admin.

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