Which kind of tank track should I use?

I’ve made 3 different kinds of tank tracks and was wondering which one people liked best!

You can play around with them here

1st Tank Track: Beams [video]
The 1st tank track I made uses beams to create a track. This allows them to be animated like they are moving. I never finished this track, as I liked the next idea I had in mind better. These tracks seem to be quite resource efficient, however they also have a weird bending to them when the wheels move.

2nd Tank Track: Mesh Deformation [video] (Sorry for weird resolution)
My 2nd tank track uses mesh deformation to have the tracks deform to the wheels. This has the advantage of being quite resource efficient (the effect is simulated client side) while also being really easy to make. Disadvantage is I have no idea how to animate them moving, so they are just static bands that move with the wheels.

3rd Tank Track: Constraint Track [video]
Classic constraint tank tracks. This is my most recent one. I really like how they interact with anything that collides as the physics engine handles them, but this also means there are a lot more moving parts and that the track is subject to lag by whoever has network ownership (or any server lag if the server is controlling the physics).

Let me know what you think of them!


I personally prefer the second one. Using mesh deformation for tracks is pretty neat.

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I like the constraint track - it seems the most realistic. I like how smooth it is, and how you can track its movement.

The third one is the most realistic and looks the best in my opinion.

I would say constraint tracks look the best and react most well with the environment.

The Constraint Track looks Great!

I would use that, unless it lags.

Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

Id choose the beams.
Less effort, and if done with better textures for the beams, result can be just as believable.

Especially if you use meshes, the containers will match nicely

Mesh deformation looks sick. I definetly would go with it if I were you. Constraint Track looks like it could cause some lag

I’ve had good luck with constraint tracks, but I found that when they weren’t being used it’s best to Anchor the MeshParts with a script a couple seconds after the player leaves the seat to help with lag.
I’d also suggest having a track tensioning system. You can see examples of the suspension tracked vehicle here:

and my construction site bulldozer and excavator (without suspension) here:

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