Which matters more, likes or favorites?

Hello there, my game has 200+ favorites and 65 likes and 35 dislikes, should I worry about the like percentage or favorites? Which is more important?


in my opinion id say likes that what most matters me

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I’d have to agree; I believe you are more likely to get more visitors based on the like ratio. I could be wrong; I am not 100% sure.


I’d say likes are usually more important for getting clicks if you don’t have images
et cetera, a bad like to dislike ratio is an immediate turn-off when it’s in the
thousands-wise difference. Favorites can help though.

A good description, video, or images can still save it though!

Likes aren’t everything, neither are favorites. Just having fun is all that’s
important I know there are games with way bad ratios I still play anyways.


Favorites make it easier for the player to come back to the game, but a low like/dislike ratio will discourage new players from even playing it.

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thank you for the answers! I guess its a 50/50

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What would be a good like to dislike ratio?

I’d say 70/100, but it really depends on the genre of the game that you are making

What about town and city games?

Do you even know why there are dislikes? There is certainly a reason, You need to ask your fanbase what they don’t like about the game, that’s crucial.