Hello devforum once again
In the game im currently making im planning to add ledge grabbing as one of the mechanics
I dont know which method to use and these are the 2 i know:
Detect ledges automatically
You could probably do this with some raycasting and checking if there is enough space but it may be buggy and also hard to implement
Manually place ledges
This method would probably be easier to script and also lets you control the ledges alot more but it might be bad to have to place ledges manually in the entire map
I dont know which method to use or if there are any other ways of going about ledge grabbing, please let me know.
Completely depends on how you want it. Some games benefit from placing ledges. Horizon Zero Dawn for example has some sticks with a green cord to symbolize that you can grab in there. Those sticks are so well-placed that the person doesn’t even realize that ledge grabbing was a manual feature. Other games use ray casting so that you can climb in buildings, towers, basically anywhere etc… Genshin Impact for example.
Those were so well-placed that they seem like an automatic feature when in reality each model has been designed to fit perfectly.
It depends, if it’s a story game do 2. If its a free roam game, do 1. Further explanations:
Option 2, manual placement. This will reduce glitches and will actually help the player figure out what direction they are meant to go to progress, and also what places may or may not be a place of interest in the game.
Option 1, like you said, will be more buggy, hard to develop and will definitely allow players to glitch into out of bounds places or get stuck in parts (if it is not coded properly, so it’s up to your ability). However, Option 1 would be extremely useful for a open world game, or a game where there is no direct storyline as you are not required to find exactly where the player needs to go.