Which of these gfxs is better?

So, yesterday I finally finished one of my gfxs that I wanted to add to my future portfolio. But I have 2 pictures. One is the original and the other is like… a remaster. But I really don’t know which is better. The picture is about 2 guys that are in a party / discotheque.

It would be very helpful if you give me your opinion about which is better, or if there is something that I can change for making the gfx better:


I personally think that the gfx on the bottom looks better :slightly_smiling_face:


Depends what the games genre is I am not a GFX artist but they both look amazing

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darker version of the upper one would be amazing!!!111

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It’s not for a game lol I just did it for my portfolio bun anyways thanks

I think the one that has more light and shadow seems better. Although it could also be decided by what type of game it is.

The second is better, both characters are lit and it looks nicer.