Which one do you think looks good?

What are you working on currently?
We are working on a sci-fi simulator map, we need people to tell us which one looks good.



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  • 1
  • 2

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Thank you

I dont like either in my opinion, try adding more detail to them it looks bland.

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The second one looks good, but I suggest adding more detail to it. Anyways, keep up the work! :grin:

Thank you for the feedback, really appreciate it.

I agree with what @UnfamiliarServant. I believe that 1 is better because it’s lot easier on the eyes. If you like the second one though, you can use the bloom effect to tone the neon down.

Thank you for the feedback I really appreciate it.

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Thank you for the feedback I really appreciate it. Me and my team could try and make it more detailed, hopefully.

#1, because:
More curvature, more modern looking