Which one is better ? Scripts or just basic settings?

Greeting! I wondered if it was more effective to change the material of an object using scripts or using simple settings. Which of these options do you think are better?

  1. **What do you want to achieve? I want to see which of these options are better.

  2. **What is the issue? Issue is that I cant choose between safety and speed.

  3. **What solutions have you tried so far? On internet some say yes, but some say no.

Here are scripts.

local Part = game.Workspace.Part

Part.Material = glass --or something else.

I mean just editing a part’s property takes less than 10 seconds.

I usually edit a part’s properties, not with a script.

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Question here is what is safer ? Or is it just the same ?

There isn’t any safer way. It’s just that editing a part’s property from the Properties tab is faster than a script. What I mean by faster is that editing a part’s property just takes a few buttons pressed while writing a script is a bit slower.

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Thank you for your help! It really mean much! Bye.