Which Service? Messaging, Datastores or HTTPS?

So I’m making a matchmaking system with cross-server Messaging and needed a little help.
I’ve read through the documentation of each service, but wanted to clear some doubts.

On Datastore Service, the limits are that they can sometimes fail due to connectivity or other unsaid reasons, as mentioned in the docs. They have a call limit too, which also wasn’t shown in the docs, but it queues them up.

Datastore Docs

On Messaging Service, there a strict call limit with a table they provided.

Messaging Service

So in the above table, does it mean that the limit is proportional to the number of players? Shouldn't it be the other way around? It's a great thing, so nvm. I'm guessing this is how it is for every server for every place in the game. Also would this be a problem if I made a solo place for each player? This would mean it can only get 30 messages from a topic per server, right? Hm seems too less.
On HTTP Service, we have a limit double to that of Messaging Service, but it also has it's own problems.

It has a huge limit of 500 requests per minute per server per place, which is amazing. Using Trello, a reliable resource, which comes with a safe key, this sounds like a great idea. However, I'm confused if this 500 Limit is inclusive of both Sending and Receiving. If so, we can assume 250 for receiving and sending messages each, which isn't a very big number.

So, What do you think I should use to make this system possible? There’s cross-server Messaging, there’s Matchmaking, there’s status changing for every player, so we really need a good method for this to work.
Thanks for reading till here, I am waiting to take in your responses.

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Definitely do NOT use Trello for cross-server matchmaking. Not only are the rate limits atrocious for requests originating from Roblox servers, it’s a blatant misuse of their API and services altogether.

You will not run into issues with messagingservice if done correctly. As stated in the documentation, the rate limits automatically account for your player count. You will need to optimize the data being sent over to not exceed the 1kb limit.

Honestly, the rate limits are pretty lenient IMO. Messagingservice is literally made for things like this so definitely go w/ it.

Actually, the call limit is mentioned in the very same article you posted the screenshot off.


Depends on what are you going to use MessagingService for. I would like to know a scenario where you need to send more than 30 messages per minute.

GET and POST requests are counted as separate HTTP requests if that’s what you’re talking about. But if you’re talking about sending a GET request for example with headers and receiving a result from it, no that counts as a single HTTP request.

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What would you suggest I use for my system?

Well MessagingService potentially combined with DataStoreService is definitely the way to go.
The problem with Trello is that it’s not designed for matchmaking purposes. Plus if Trello (for some reason) goes down so will your matchmaking system since it would rely on Trello.

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