Which Skybox is better (POLL)?

A closer look at the map would help better determine which skybox looks more appropriate. The style of your build is unclear from the look far away. With just these zoomed out screenshots to provide, I prefer Skybox A since it seems more expressive and blends well with terrain water.


I chose option A. Option A looks realistic, whereas option B looks great but too cartoony.

IMO B looks far too bland. It’d be okay if you don’t want clouds in your skybox, but A looks a lot more interesting to look at.

Personally, I’d vote A because of the detail in the sky which makes it look realistic.

A would be better because it would immerss the players in to the game more.

What if you took B but made it with some small clouds, but still relatively clear out?
A. is more saturated with clouds, B. is less information to process imo.

In my view, I’d say that Skybox A suits the game to a further extent because it consists of clouds which can give a bit more of that expression, y’know?

Where as Skybox B is a plain gradient which in my view feels plain.


Can we get screenshots of what gameplay might look like with the skyboxes? From far away views of the island, it looks very sparse with B, so I’d suggest A. But I don’t think your game generally have views that seem that open and far away.

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I would suggest A, It gives a more filled feeling to the lobby, along with making the sky itself more exciting then just blank blue.

Just an idea but you could actually have the skybox switch between different ones over time, so you would be able to have both skyboxes plus more, simulating weather changes ( rain, sunny days, cloudy days, etc ).

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Skybox B.
On skybox A my eyes are all over the place because it is too detailed for a cartoonish looking build. But B I can focus on the island and it looks much cleaner

Skybox A is the better choice in my opinion. Adds more to the sky obviously, rather than the Skybox B. To which I may add doesn’t look bad, however I prefer the details (clouds) in the sky as it gives a more natural look if that makes sense. It matches better as well in my opinion. Something to look at whilst waiting for an event or something to happen while playing the game.

I like how you added palm trees and towers with cannons, also the water looks just total perfection

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I prefer skybox B for two reasons;

  • the clean gradient fits well with the simpler, more colourful theme of the island, compared to the realistic clouds which clash in terms of art style
  • since the sky has no details, I can much more easily focus on the island without being distracted

Skybox A looks better imo, it has more detail

We all have the same odds voting everything in a different way.

If you are going for a more low poly sort of theme I can see the 2nd sky box fitting in a bit better then the 1st.

i would pick skybox A, but it is more limiting.