Which skyscraper advertisement looks better? [POLL]

Okay so I’ve made two different versions of this advertisement but I can’t choose between which one looks better; so I need your guys opinions on which one I should choose. (any further suggestions and additions are welcomed)

Which advertisement looks better?
  • Right
  • Left

0 voters


I believe the right one looks the best because it matches the skybox. It also gives contrast too!

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I think the left one blends into the advertisements’ theme better, so the text is the first thing which catches the eye (as it should).

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I like the left one a lot, it really makes it pop!
(Also, maybe you could add a poll to this post so its easier to see which people prefer?)


I think the one on the right is better because its higher quality.

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There is no difference between the two AD designs. They are the same thing with a slight border color change. This small difference will have little to no impact on CTR.

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I added a poll so it’s easier, go ahead and vote.

EDIT: Broke it but it’s fixed now.

I don’t think neither of them look good lol
It’s mostly because of being like: “No one can complete this OWO”


In my opinion I think people would be more eager to click on it because they wanna actually attempt and be that few percentage that actually can complete it (most likely not but eh). I see your point though…

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Honestly dude you have a point, your using it as fish bait to get those special type of players that dont back down from a challenge :blush:

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I slightly updated it, in my opinion I’m not a big fan of the frame around it. Here’s what I’ve adjusted it too, let me know your thoughts:


Haha, it seems that Roblox declined the advertisement. Guess they assume that I’m luring the players into game even though I didn’t really calculate that 0.01% can complete this and they accepted the first version of the advertisement so like… :roll_eyes:

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