Which Software is better for building?

Hi everyone! which is better to build on?
Blender or Roblox. If so why?

Some pros and cons would be helpful too. Thanks!


its not my but here: Advanced Guide to Efficient Building - Covers workflow and extremely effective plugins

But of course Blender is also quite good

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You can build in Roblox and then port it over to blender to optimise it.

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Technically speaking, Roblox is the only platform you can build on, but in general, it’s best practice to use a combination of both softwares.

Roblox Studio is perfect for making simple models that don’t require too much detail. Blender is ideal for making complex models that give you a lot of freedom.


For building in roblox studio, I recommend using roblox studio.
For making meshes and stuff, blender is fine.

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Well, neither is “better.” If you prefer building with Roblox that’s excellent use Roblox. If you prefer making in blender that’s also great. When it comes to optimization for say something like a pillar or a component of your environment you’re designing 9 times out of 10 you’ll always be better off with blender because of the tools blender provides to better optimize your assets, such as; decimate tool or plugins such as re-topology to lower your tri count.


When building in roblox studio, i find it fast to put together less complex models/builds. However i would use blender for certain meshes that roblox studio is incapable of creating.

are you talking about making games or models