Which tower is better?

One tower is slightly blocky and one is more rounded, please tell me which one you like the most!

Thanks in advance. Please excuse the colour also because I was just testing.


I like the one that is more rounded because It looks better.

Well obviously. He is asking what tower is better.

It’s up to you to pick which tower to choose. You don’t always need to ask the community :slight_smile:
But, I think the rounded one is better.

The one slightly blocky looks better in my opinion, though I don’t think the more roundy one is bad either. You could use both as different towers just change some detail of the tower.

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I’d say it kind of depends on what style you’re going for, like if you want a sort of classic Roblox feel id go for the blocky one. Also could you give any more shots of them more up close as it is a bit difficult to see the details on them.


Depending on what you are doing, either could be better. But in my opinion, I prefer the one on the right. The rounded one I believe? It looks very detailed, but you could add a few different colors/textures. Other than that I love the design! Very Nice!

Thank you for all your comments, I have just made an entrance to a castle type thing with the rounded tower.

Took 20 minutes and if u could please tell me what I could add onto the front. Because it looks slightly plain. Colours are coming later so please don’t tell me about them. Thanks!

It depends if your game is going for a blocky approach or a more cartoony or realistic approach, however instead of saying which one is better include a poll instead so people can vote instead of writing a simple response such as “blocky one looks good” I choose the rounded one”.

I would recommend for the front entrance to add some designs into the stone walls something what you’ll normally see on medieval castles putting like flags or small square holes in the wall could be a nice addition to add, however it really depends on which castle you’re trying to recreate or accomplish a battle castle or a one that people will live in. Mind adding more information on what castle you’re trying to achieve?

The style of your build is too different themes blocky or cartoony from the look of it. At the start I like both of them it depends on which style your game is going to be.
