Which wave can you reach up to?

Sorry if this sounds like a commercial, but I genuenly want to know how long an average gamer can last for

Hello Robloxians!

I’ve been working on this game for a few months now, my other games didn’t go so well, but I’m determined to lead this game to success! Warfront is a futuristic Multiplayer/Singleplayer game, you goal being to Defend the core for as long as you can! (I know, pathetic back story, but it is a new game)

Here is the game Link:

Just 2 of us have been working on this game, yep… A dev team of 2 people!

What am I looking for exactly? Well because I’m spending alot of time into making this game, I’d rather not spend a whole day play testing because of minor changes. However, with the addition of bosses, I want to know, how far can you get? (Also mention witch map you did this on)

  • Wave 1-5
  • Wave 6-10
  • Wave 11-15
  • Wave 16+

0 voters


I know this doesn’t really answer your question but I found that while playing, having to select the enemy had some minor issues. Such as, when it’s passing through a door frame, you can’t click on it yet it can pellet you with bullets. Led me to die much faster than I think I would if that wasn’t the case.


:frowning: sorry about this, we’ll look into it sooner on, perhaps try another map in the meantime?


Not a bad game. I have two suggestions.

  • Camera rotation
  • More hit feedback. Currently hitting an enemy has no effect, and death is just them falling to the ground. Maybe if a bullet hits an enemy, have some sparks shoot out? And maybe a little explosion upon death? I think this would make it a lot more satisfying.

Thank you for current suggestions! but try do the poll too, That’s how I’m gathering results


Thank you for your votes! I still hope to find even more :slight_smile:

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