Random names get a White Name Tag instead of their normal brick color. (For me that’s Yellow)
I’ve found this bug at the past 3 places I’ve been to with all of them having no relation to each other. In two instances, it was the first person to join the server. One instance, I’m unsure. A random user in my game, NASCAR '17: Multiplayer Competitive, received a White Name Tag. Then I went to visit a friend at his place, and he had a White Name Tag. He had been alone in the server prior to me joining. Then I went a place that uses the Roblox algorithm for determining color names so you can check the color of a name, and then a friend joined me, and we both saw that I had a White Name Tag.
This occurs across multiple games on the Roblox Platform.
Here is me in a game with a White Name Tag:
My friend confirmed that he saw me as White as well (via speaking to me on Discord).
Here is a random user in my game having a white name tag:
The first notice of the bug was today.
The bug is not related to a specific name color because in this case I am a yellow name, and my friend is a red name, and checking with the algorithm, the person I saw have a white name tag earlier is a blue name.