White screen depending on window dimension

This bug is related to both Roblox Studio and the Roblox Client.

Depending on the size of my client window, the client will either display a white screen or the game I’m playing/editing.
When the screen is white I can still hear game audio.

I do not know how to replicate this, I know Windows 10 was having some issues a few days ago where the scaling seemed to be messing up. The minimize, maximize and close windows button + bar were massive, this fixed its self but could be related since I don’t believe it was happening before this. The issue occurs 100% of the time and I only noticed it happening yesterday.

I have tried uninstalling and deleting all my Roblox local appdata.
It occurs both in studio and the normal client.

Here’s an example:



We’ve enabled a tweak to how graphics is initialized on Win10 yesterday. I’ve disabled part of it that could be responsible - can you check if restarting client/Studio fixes this issue?

I still see occasional white flashing when resizing (no noticeable cause), but for the most part the issue is resolved.


######It was slightly more frequent than that (the recorder didn’t catch them because they were so fast), but not by much

Studio now resizes perfectly without issue.
The client seems to be fixed too! There is still flickering when resizing but it never stays white once I’ve finished resizing.


Something the team tweaked likely could have been the cause.

I should probably also mention it was completely crashing the client on start up on rare occasion. Seemed to be when starting a game in full screen but can’t confirm.

Hmm. Any idea if flashing during resize was an issue before?

Also, what’s your Win10 version? I have two Win10 systems and can’t reproduce this on either, but they both may be running anniversary update…

Pre-anniversary update for me. I can’t be sure, but I think this was an issue before.

I think I have noticed the flickering when resizing for a while now. I’m not sure exactly how long unfortunately, probably a good few months maybe even since summer.

As for the anniversary update, I’m not exactly sure what a pre-anniversary update is. I believe I have the anniversary update because my Windows version is 1607 and OS Build is 14393.693.

Ok, cool, thanks! It’s a bit of a shame since this was supposed to be a small optimization - I think there may be a slightly safer variant of that to try though, we’ll see.

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I’ll let you know if anything changes.

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