WhiteCircle image not showing on mobile

Hi. I’m using the asset “rbxasset://textures/WhiteCircle” as an image in my game and it seems to show normally in studio/client on desktop, but on mobile it doesn’t show. The mobile client seems to be missing this asset. I’m unsure when this behavior started as I just started using it. An obvious fix would be to include this asset in the mobile build. Tested this on a iPhone X, and the circle is showing on my Windows 10 PC.



Thank you for reading, let me know if you have any questions!

well, the alternative is to upload the asset yourself and use it from your decals. however, I’ve not experienced this on Android yet

isn’t it rbxasset://textures/whiteCircle.png with a lower case w?

I agree with @ClockworkSquirrel. No guarantee that it will always be there. But uploading it yourself will guarantee it stays

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i think assets from rbxasset:// are case-insensitive

Yeah I’ll probably end up uploading my own asset. Still would like to use this as it’s already included in the default roblox assets, no reason for it not to be included in the mobile client.

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