Whitelist for Paid Access

So for paid access games, I would really like to see some sort of whitelist.
People who are on that whitelist would have free access to the game.

A nice add-on would be, if in-game, we could use something like:
YieldFunction Array AssetService:GetWhitelist(int placeId = currentPlaceId)
YieldFunction Array AssetService:AddToWhitelist(int userId,int placeId = currentPlaceId)
YieldFunction Array AssetService:RemoveFromWhitelist(int userId,int placeId = currentPlaceId)
YieldFunction Array AssetService:IsOnWhitelist(int userId,int placeId = currentPlaceId)

The placeId (which would default to the place it’s called from) can point to any place in the same universe.
IsOnWhitelist caches, like DataStore:GetAsync() would.
AddToWhitelist and RemoveFromWhitelist would update the cache for the given userid.
GetWhitelist could: Use the cache version OR always fetch the latest version

That’s a nice API that would allow us to do a lot more stuff.
(Also for private servers using CreatePlaceAsync, where we don’t have to store whitelists explecitly in DataStore)
(A nice add-on for places created by CreatePlace: Whitelist lets you have a “Play”-button for it)
(^ That last idea is just a quick idea, and if it’s added, make it toggle-able)
(^ Very useful for those “Private Servers” created using CreatePlaceAsync)

[quote] A nice add-on would be, if in-game, we could use something like:
YieldFunction Array AssetService:GetWhitelist(int placeId = currentPlaceId)
YieldFunction Array AssetService:AddToWhitelist(int userId,int placeId = currentPlaceId)
YieldFunction Array AssetService:RemoveFromWhitelist(int userId,int placeId = currentPlaceId)
YieldFunction Array AssetService:IsOnWhitelist(int userId,int placeId = currentPlaceId)

The placeId (which would default to the place it’s called from) can point to any place in the same universe.
IsOnWhitelist caches, like DataStore:GetAsync() would.
AddToWhitelist and RemoveFromWhitelist would update the cache for the given userid.
GetWhitelist could: Use the cache version OR always fetch the latest version

That’s a nice API that would allow us to do a lot more stuff.
(Also for private servers using CreatePlaceAsync, where we don’t have to store whitelists explecitly in DataStore)
(A nice add-on for places created by CreatePlace: Whitelist lets you have a “Play”-button for it)
(^ That last idea is just a quick idea, and if it’s added, make it toggle-able)
(^ Very useful for those “Private Servers” created using CreatePlaceAsync) [/quote]

An interesting implementation for this would be a “Pay for your friend” Dev Product.
Or you could make the price really high and just use the game as a whitelisted-only game.

You could just skip the built-in paid-access system and make your own using Dev Products. Then you can whitelist people as you wish. Wouldn’t be very difficult to make either. In fact, I think I’m going to make one for myself :stuck_out_tongue: