Whitelist system - looking for feedback

Hello guys!
I have created a working whitelist system, ready to be implemented in your game and I want to know your opinion. :smiley: It has 6 commands and 3 info GUIs. It allows players with required rank in your group and players who are on the whitelist pass through doors, that are closed for others. It is mainly adapted for role-play games. The system is automatically saved, and itโ€™s secured by FilteringEnabled.

The system allows you to enter the name of your group and the minimum group-rank that enables players to manage the whitelist, the length of notifications, and references to models of doors, that can be passed only by people on the whitelist on with required group-rank.

List of commands:
-!whitelist add nickname
-!whitelist rem nickname
-!whitelist remove nickname
-!whitelist show
-!whitelist reset
-!whitelist help

I am open to your suggestions. :smiley:
Have a nice day!

Desktop 20-04-2020 10-23-45-177

Desktop 20-04-2020 10-24-05-440

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