Whitelisting a whitelist

I’m making a whitelisting system and I plan on selling it to others. I’ve been successful on making the whitelisting system so the client can add it to HIS products. But, I’m having an issue try to whitelist the whitelisting system I made.

I thought a lot but still couldn’t find an answer. If there is a way to do this without using API and building it on ROBLOX, you reply would be helpful.

This is how MY whitelisting system works (the one I put directly into the product).
I get the game creator ID and check if it is in a module script, and if it is there, it would do nothing, otherwise it would delete it.

So I need something like this to whitelist the system I’m about the whitelist.

There is no way to guarantee someone is on the whitelist since they can edit your script. Your best bet would be to make the whitelisted people agree not to share it.

I’m going to obfuscate it so they can’t change it.

There are ways to unobfuscate code as far as I know, if you are sure you want to use scripts, you could use HttpService to get the whitelisted users.

Yes, I am well aware that people can unobfuscate the code but I want a first layer of protection.
I used require(ID) for a module script instead of http. I want it to install it in someone’s roblox studio if they are whitelisted. Otherwise it would just delete it or something like that.

This is probably the best you can do without taking a more legal approach.