WhitelistQueue: A solution to InsertService's restrictions

Hello, for a few days I put together a webserver that takes models that are put in a queue

What is the point in this?

InsertService has a restriction where you can’t load models that aren’t in your inventory


Thanks to ForbiddenJ for inspiring me to make this!

I made this because UnlockedInsertService no longer works due to roblox rate limiting their apis

How do I set this up?

For this there are 2 steps:

Setting up the WebServer

:warning: Warning :warning: : This does require a .ROBLOSECURITY cookie and I HIGHLY reccomend that you create alternate account for this stuff
A .ROBLOSECURITY cookie allows somebody to get instant access to your roblox account

Anyways, to get your .ROBLOSECURITY you need Firefox because google chrome won’t show your cookies in DevTools

Sign in to roblox, then press F12 on your keyboard
You will see a menu popup
Navigate to storage on the top of the menu and you will see your cookies
Then go to where it says .ROBLOSECURITY(Or .ROBLO) and copy the cookie
Then deploy it here:

and then paste the .ROBLOSECURITY into where it say COOKIE
and the HAS_PROTECTION variable is used to prevent exploiters from abusing the webserver
if you are testing this in studio turn off HAS_PROTECTION( You can set this in the Config Vars in the settings of your web server any time )

After that go to the link your web host provided you with and you should see this:

Allow Roblox to access it

Now comes the super easy stuff

Insert this model:

Then enable HttpService in the game’s settings

An example:

local WhitelistQueue = require(game.ServerScriptService.WhitelistQueue)


Update Log

Version 1.1

Added Rate Limit to Server

I’m a bit confused but I like it couldn’t you just keep your inventory open and it gets the model from there?

there is a link to the model tho