Hello Builders. I’m really willing to become a builder and start to make some money but I don’t think I’m good enough. Is there anyone who is willing to teach me how to be an amazing builder? I’m willing to pay.
There are plenty of videos on YouTube that can help you start learning to build, both at novice and advanced levels. These are all free as well, so you don’t have to pay anybody. I suggest you try out these tutorials first as they can be really helpful.
Any specific channels or videos you know that I could look at to help me?
This video in particular was one that helped me properly start getting into building. The person who created this video, SheaNorse, has many great videos and tutorials for ROBLOX Studio. You should try him out.
Hello Benjamin, as jamess said, there are plenty of videos on youtube that can help you get into building very easy! You should start watching ROBLOX’s official youtube tutorials posted in their channel. Another thing you could try to do, is importing free models such as Zombies, Noobs, Cars or Weapons and learning how they work. At first you should try and see how to build a house or even a car. Car physics might not work that well but you should try and play with the studio. try creating unions and getting used to them. I also reccomend you using 5 grades for rotating and 0.05 stud increment for moving and scaling parts. Keep the properties window open as well, you will need to play with a part’s properties in order to learn how it works! I wish you good luck with this and if you need further help, you can just contact me. I can help you build in roblox studio for abolutely no money.
You can teach yourself how to be an amazing builder, references youtube channels, blender are all huge helps! Practice and references will get you a long way, look at other peoples work and recreate it yourself, try something you havent tried before, try a new style etc
Honestly, like everyone else has said, you don’t really need to hire someone to teach you. I’d just start making things in studios and if you don’t know how to create a specific object for your creation you can go to youtube and look up how to make it. (This is what I did to learn how to use Blender)
Actually forcing yourself to watch videos and copy them brick for brick kind of removes the fun for me (personally)
Sometimes you can be a naturally good builder. I have a good skill of drawing and that made its way onto Roblox and not long after I was already a pro builder. You could also use references to plan out building styles for your games. Low poly is an easy way to start off, but as you progress, you could go for Jailbreak-styled or realistic builds. The tools you use to build also matter. F3X and a couple other plugins can enhance your way of building.
I too need the advice
so yea :))
If you want someone to build with and give you pointers HMU on discord, Im always down to build stuff with people and if it will help you thats a bonus
Learning how to become an great builder is all about practice; paying someone to offer you tips and tutorials on how to be a builder is a waist of time. Best practice comes down to searching and looking at guides, and basically building as that’s really a way you will become a amazing builder. Have you attempted to research and look at beginner tutorials to get a basic understanding.
There are tutorials guides that you can read up - previous topics go into more depth about this: My simple tip would be finding something you enjoy making and practice as you will learn overtime on how to become a better builder. Start out simple and start building.
Unfortunately, no one is going to teach you how to be an amazing builder. No youtube tutorial is going to teach you how to be an amazing builder either. Just practice.
I’m gonna put this in steps
1: get a reference, multiple if there are references for all dimensions of the object
2: make a base, simple geometry just cubes showing where the base of the object is gonna be. Details will be added later
3: large details will be added first
4: use sphere meshes to body’s if you are making a character. spheres are good to use for proportions.
5: add little details that gives the model life.
6: Color it, you should always color parts last so you can see how it will look when its colored
7: Repeat until you get good at modeling/building.
OPTIONAL: change materials to make the character/build look better.
1: Get a building reference.
2: make the base
3: windows after the base
4: change materials to likings
5: make a roof for the building, but if the player isn’t going to be able to see the roof forget it. Only keep the details the player is going to see.
6: repeat until you get better.
Remember, this wont emedietly make you better. You have to have practice and you need to find out what you like to build and your style. This is just how I build
REMINDER: it is great to activate future lighting and and good lighting.
This is my preferred lighting choices:
blur, ect:

True but there are steps you can use to get a start