Who is start work faster? Server or FireClient?

I want to run a tween on the client, but I only want to change its position on the server (same one part). The server cannot wait for the client to finish the tween, it is very necessary for pvp on the server.

Changing the position on the server while tween is running on the client does not affect the client, and this is what I will use, but there is a problem, if the server runs before the client, it will be a problem for me! I would like to use wait(), but I wonder if we can do it without it, that’s why I’m asking.
Does changing the part position on the server start before the tween that will run from the FireClient? Which one works first, which one is start work faster?

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I would tell the server to give the tween details to the client so the client can do the tween and the server can change the position of the part with out tweeting once the timer has finished.

Tho there can be lags and stuffs on the client which will make the part instantly teleport when the tween hasn’t finished for the laggy player.

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Adding onto this: Client tweening is a must-have in your game if you have tweens that will be shown to everyone in the server, if you run tweens on the server-side you will encounter large amounts of lag if too many are ran concurrently, if the player is in a different country or has high latency, the tween will look jittery and awful on their side and since the server has to constantly replicate the new changes to the tweened instance you are wasted a truck ton of bandwidth between server and client causing your game to send an awful amount of data to the client.

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Random question, once the tween is finished for the client and you fire an event to the server that updates the position to the goal position, wouldn’t there be a possibility the position could go to the goal position for a client that hasn’t finished the tween? Also, wouldn’t it fire multiple times from each player that fires it? What exactly is the best way to do this? I’ve recently moved from server jobs to client jobs and I am still learning ways to make improvements to make my game more optimized.

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A: If the part is critical waiting on the client is a terrible idea
B: If you’re gonna have the client tell the server when to move it at that point just give the client network ownership

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I never said to fire to the server back to tell the server that the goal has been reached for a player. This is beacause of the thing you said :

You should never trust an info from the client side, tho if you want what you can do is to keep track of whom you fired the event to and if most of them return the event after a copule or milli seconds of delay (there will always be a delay). And If most clients return “Goal has been reached” let’s just set the position from the server. And no, we can’t do anything for the players whose goal has not reached yet.

EXAMPLE : Camping game

Take a story game for example. They wait for all players to load their game space in a given time and if they haven’t loaded yet, they still start the game or they wait for most people to load the game then start.

Some times we don’t need client info. Let’s say we want to make a part that moves around and it is to reach the next stage of an obby. It is better to do in a local script than a script. If you want to keep track of the part movements the minimum you can do is to fire the parts’ position to the server and hope roblox can detect if someone is accessing your scripts or creating a new script and prevent it [MINIMUM, tho I would not recommend] .

Or we want to make a part tween but we don’t have much use for it. We’ll just tell the clients to tween and the server to set the position after a couple of seconds of delay + tween time.

EXAMPLE : Tower of hell

We all saw players floting around in tower of hell and once was like “There’s a hacker in the server!”. When in reality, the devs probs set the tween system on a client side rather than a server side which showed diffrent results of delay for players.

The best way would depend on what you want to achieve and what you are using that tween for.

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