In worst case scenarios, losing a bit of progress is a worthwhile exchange for fixing issues like this (Raph’s solution should solve it, but it’s worth noting in case you come across something you can’t)
P.S it’s also common practice to backup everything you wouldn’t want to lose, especially in game-dev
Thanks, that plugin removed lots of duplicates, now I am removing the remaining manually. Do you think a roblox bug caused this, or I accidentally duplicated my game?
It’s automatic for any game you have saved on-site (tutorial here)
As for something you have saved to your desktop, it’s as simple as copying the file and pasting it somewhere else (preferably an external drive like a memory stick). This just makes a copy of how it was at that time while you can continue to work on your original version.
Roblox has auto-saves too for if your program crashes or you forget to save which may come in handy a few times also.