Why all the children of the serverstorage is gone when i press play on roblox studio

so i put a part in the serverstorage but when i press play its now gone

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Because you’re playing on the client. Players can’t access ServerStorage or ServerScriptService. If you’re trying to clone something(using a local script), use a RemoteEvent or move it to ReplicatedStorage instead.


Because you’re probably viewing ServerStorage from the client.

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Whenever you’re in the view of the client, it is always empty. ServerStorage’s Instances are not replicated to client. They are not replicated to client until re-parented elsewhere. A storage visible for client is ReplicatedStorage.


If you want to view these folders and their children’s, you need to click the server button next to the play button to switch from client to server. This is done for security purposes so an exploiter won’t be able to access ServerStorage and those server folders and then do any malicious actions.

is there any other way to access humanoidrootpart in script except this
local hrp = char.humanoidrootpart

That’s a separate question and should be looked around forum first before you make a new topic. To answer that briefly, no. And this answer is just a stub to whatever you’re trying to achieve.

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