I’m working on a door model, and one of the features involves the doorknobs of the door rotating when it’s opened, right now this is done by tweening the motor6ds of the individual doorknobs. I wanted to rotate both models at once by welding them to their root and rotating that instead, but I’ve came across issue.
I’ve found some odd things while testing stuff related to this:
Tweening the cframe of the knobs to rotate doesn’t work, is this because the door they’re attached to is also being tweened?
Welding the knobs to the knob root (where the motor6ds are attached to) and then tweening the knob root with a motor6d or cframe both also seem to not make the knobs rotate at all?
Can you clarify what the problem is? I’m not sure I quite understand which two models you’re referring to, and judging by the model you provided there’s nothing wrong that I can see with it.
If I try doing this with the knobs cframes instead of motor6d’s they outright refuse to rotate while the door is moving (though I wasn’t planning to do this anyways)
If I try rotating the doorknob root’s motor6d while the knobs are welded to it, this happens.
I think if you make an animation in an animatior you will have more customization over rotation and even position of the knob, if it is really essential to use tween then i don’t know how