Why am I not teleporting?

I want the player to teleport to a plot when they join but for some reason the problem is that torso for some reason doesent exist please help. The game is in R6

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You didnt wait for the Character of the player so it thinks its nil, so basically just wait for the Character like this

local character = player:WaitForChild("Character")

EDIT : If it worked mark me as a solution! @CoolSpaace


Never mind that does not work ,.

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It says that now theres a infinite yield

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Showing the full script will help me be bale to help you a bit more

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Is the character r15 or r6 because torso does not exist in r15

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Its saying whats he trying to index is nil


You have to use a chharacter added event, like so




Do humanoidrootpart, as thats on all players.

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Thats not the problem, the problem is that he doesnt have acess to the character

From the first error, it seems like Character does not exist.

If you’re working from a server script, you can try connecting to the player.CharacterAdded event, Player | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.

I would highly recommend you to set the primary part’s CFrame (or the HumanoidRootPart) instead of any other part.


but if I do use character event how am I getting player

Just put the character added event inside of the player added event

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From the game.Players.PlayerAdded event

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I added it but now theres no errors and it still doesent tp the player

Show the code again but this time paste it in

local plot = script.Parent.Parent.Plot
local owned = false

if owned == false then
owned = true
plot.Name = player.Name…“'sPlot”
character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(plot.Spawn.Position) + Vector3.new(0, 3, 0)

Do character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame instead, its the main part AND all character types have it.

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