Why are all the recruitement posts posted on the 21st of each month?

Pretty much the title. This seems so weird. A few years ago we could comment on posts and post them whenever. What changed ?

I didn’t notice this until you posted this topic, well I think it has something to do with the activity of the people that host the recruitement posts, I am pretty sure they got work to do, and creating such posts takes time, so this may be the reason to why all the recruitement posts are posted on the 21st of each month.

Sure, creating them takes time so it’s normal there aren’t that many, but that does not explain why they are all syncronised.

Well, then I don’t really know.

Do you mean this?

That’s not month, that’s year. That whole category was locked in late 2021 and nothing has been posted since then.

If that is what you mean, you should always check pinned posts when you have questions. The pinned post at the very top explains it.

Thank you very much !
Hopefully someone searching on google who worded the question in the same way as me will find this post

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