Why are ball-socket-constraints sooo weird?

So I made a ragdoll and I was playing around with it…
But when I took his torso away the legs were like zombies ( more like snakes ) trying to connect with the torso. The closer the torso was to them the faster they moved:

Is there a way to fix this???

In-Case anybody realised that is billy from karlson 3d made by Dani:





Not sure about the difference in speed, but when you connect two parts using constraints like hinges or ball sockets, and at least one of the parts is unanchored, then the two will try to snap to each other where you placed the constraints.

Do you think that is another way of making AI pathfinding?

I doubt it, when you use a constraint like that, the connected part will simply move straight towards the part it is connected with. If it comes across an obstacle like a wall or hole, it will just go straight into it without trying to find a way around.

Ya me too but if it is close enough to the edge then it will just swing around the wall. The weird thing is they can climb up so that if you put the part ABOVE a wall then they will just slide upwards…