Why Are My Analytics So Bad?

Hello! I made an obby titled Obby But You Cant See. It averages 10 CCU and has quite a lot of players complete the obby. It’s well made and high quality, yet the analytics are completely horrible:

Dont feel shy to roast my game I want as much feedback as possible, I promise I wont take it personally

I checked out the game. Here are my thoughts:

  • It uses very basic shapes without much detail or interest. There is no backdrop, just blocks in the sky. This could turn people away, when other competitor games are higher quality.

  • The UI is harsh and not easy on the eyes.

  • The game forces you in r6, which many younger players dislike strongly. This could turn potential players away upon joining.


Usually, people won’t comeback to obbies once they finished it. So that might explain the day 7 retention. And it’s even less likely that people will spend robux on a game that they might finish really quickly.

You also have to leave a good first impression, from what I can see, you made an obby where you can’t see anything, if there’s barely something to see, people won’t be attached enough to continue playing.

And in general, People might not know where to go from a place, sure you might know, but they won’t, because they don’t know the layout, for example, the end part of level 5, I was stumped of where to go, until I realised I had to jump down, that might be one of the reasons.


I finished the obby.

Only took about 10, maybe 15 minutes.

I thought it was an enjoyable obby. Good job.

There were a few things I didn’t like.

  • I didn’t like the gravity at the beginning of the game. I was going to suggest that you make gravity normal. Then, sometime later, the gravity changed to normal and I was asked to buy a “coil”. I was glad gravity was normal. The coil makes it hard to play. So, I guess that is why no one buys the coil.

  • I randomly got “Invites Friends” messages. That’s annoying. I will invite them if I want to, not because you tell me. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Some suggestions.

  • Maybe have two paths once in awhile. Give players a choice. Make one path more difficult and worth more points. Oh, yeah, I didn’t see any kind of rewards system.

  • Break the obby up into sections where players can feel like they accomplished something. Give them a reward, then start the next section of the obby.

Overall, I liked the game, but it was over quick and since I finished there is no reason to return.

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The analytics can probably be explained like this: obbies don’t often get returning players, I know as somebody who used to play obbies a bunch years ago. To get players to return you often want some sense of ‘personalized’ progression, such as items they picked up or earned along the way, this creates a bit more of an attachment to the game. Currencies also work.

Basically, it probably isn’t because the game is bad or boring, just that people probably won’t have enough mental attachment to it to feel the urge to continue playing later on. Games that have no true ‘end’ work best in this case.


Alright, I wanted to thank everyone for their feedback. I’ve heavily improved the game based on this post.

I’ve decided that the whole “obby but you cant see” gimmick just doesnt work. Having fog makes most of your screen white and boring. There’s not enough color and stimulation, so I decided to completely reskin the game.

Here’s a list of changes I’ve made in order of this thread:

  • Changed the lighting so you can actually see, making the game less dull
  • Made the UI less harsh and more friendly
  • Allowed R15 Avatars
  • I created a better first impression with a lobby at the beginning of the game
  • Stylized the obby more to be more visually pleasing
  • Added arrows and a flag to direct you towards the next checkpoint
  • Removed the fusion coil free trial so gravity is normal
  • Removed the invite friends prompts and made them a UI button
  • [WIP] Work on spicing up the obby by adding “trolls” and traps players can trigger similar to deathrun as the new rebrand is “Troll Obby”

Here’s the updated game:

Can’t replay. I am stuck at the end.

Skip stage did nothing.

Hit the double back arrow to go to the beginning.

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Oh, you should probably point that out to people or change it to a scrollable menu that allows people to select the level they want.

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i can not even see this type of analytics :slight_smile:

Made it though again.

I liked it the same as the first time. It’s mostly simple and fun.

Not sure getting rid of “but you can’t see” was a good thing.

It was the simple, fun idea that made the game unique.

Maybe go the other way, and make it even harder to see.

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Yeah I’m in between pivoting the game, so its lacking since im still removing/replacing old features