Why are my animation a bit messed up?

So I have imported some animations from the toolbox and added them to my enemy. Everything works fine except the animation it self. I know the issue but is there any easy way to fix this? I just don’t won’t to re animated the whole animation as I just took it from the toolbox. I am no animator : /

Animation: Animation Broken

so is the problem with the animation and you don’t like it, or the script?

Have you tested out the animation in animation editor? The animation might look like that.
Are you using R15 animations on an R6 model, or vice-versa? They are specific to the rig.

The scale of the people could mess up how far the limbs move since the joints don’t shrink

I have tested the animation. It’s and r6 animations.

That’s the problem but I want to know a simpler way of fixing the animation than re animating the whole animation.