Why are my parameters not carrying across functions properly?

The following code snippet is simplified code from a returned function within a ModuleScript that I intend to use for error handling:

function errorHandling(func, ...)
	local args = {...};
	local ran,error = pcall(function()
		local results = { func(unpack(args)) };

And the following code is the function that is being passed to errorHandling as func:

function func(param1, param2)
	print(param1, param2);

Now the issue I have is that the first two times I print the unpacked values of the args array it returns the correct values, however when I receive them in the func function and print, the first index has disappeared.

For example, if my arguments (args) are “a” and “b”, my output will show:

a	b
a	b
b	nil

I’ve not been scripting for a few years so it’s probably something simple I’m missing, but I’d appreciate the help.

Update: When I change func(unpack(args)) to func(nil, unpack(args)), the correct parameters arrive in func.


Could you please show a screenshot of what you’re trying to do? I was not able to reproduce your issue.
This is what I did :

This is what the module script has :

Gyazo Link

There might be something else that I’m missing, but I’m running ‘_errorHandling’ with the arguments:

func [function]
a [string]
b [string]

and when I print the passed parameters from after the function I am only receiving ‘b’

That’s because you’re using namecall “:” when you defined the function but then you’re indexing when you call it “.”.

If you change it to


It should work again.

When you define a function with : and call it with . you have to pass self (_errorHandling in this case), you should look more into metatables and just calling functions in general.

(I’m bad at explaining sorry)


That seems to have solved it. Thanks for the help.