Why are my pipe parts changing color? (Pipe placer plugin)

Hey all, I have been using a plugin recently known as pipe placer, and it has been really useful. However, I have been noticing something weird where the pipes will change to their default silver color without being edited sometimes.
They could go from looking like this:

To looking like this:

Any help would be greatly appreciated :pray:
EDIT: for those wondering, there are no free models used, so malicious scripts cannot be responsible for this.


Uhhh… I don’t know if it’s only me, but I don’t see anything wrong. Could be my computer, but both of the pictures have the same colouring for me.

Oh wait I see it actually now, the pipe. Can’t help with that, sorry. Never had such an issue.

If you look at the top image, valve boxes are black, pipe parts are red, and the pipe rings are black.
In the second image, some of the parts have changed their color to grey.

Yeah, I saw that after looking at it detailt. My bad, but I can’t help you with that, as I don’t know that plugin or anything regarding that.

1 Like
  1. Is the plugin updated?

  2. Have you restarted Studio?

  3. Have you reinstalled Studio?


The fact that the pipes are fine in the first image but different in the other makes me guess you have parts ontop on each other.

Typically when you have the same part but a different color duplicated perfectly inside of the first part, Roblox can’t decide which one to show. I’d check if there’s more than one part overlapping.

If it’s not that, then I have no clue.


I assumed that as well, but I deleted all the parts that were changing colors and replaced them with a singular part, and the issue was not fixed.

Thank you!! The issue is all fixed now.