Why Are The Arrows Like This?

Can anyone explain why my building arrows are like this?
It isn’t centered in my union.


Reset Pivot Point (you may need to press Edit Pivot to then reset the point)


Does this also has something to do with TouchInterest on a Union being in a weird place?

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I don’t believe TouchInterests affect the arrows in studio. Try resetting the Pivot Point first

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As @NotRapidV said, try to Reset the Pivot, it’s really easy.

Another thing is that are you selecting just the Union, or is it part of a Model? If it’s a Model do you have the PrimaryPart or PrimaryPart Pivot set at that location?

The Union is a part of a Model, yes. I will look into that in a few hours.

The primary part is the Union.

So did you try resetting the Pivot of the Model and the Pivot of the Union?

Yes, it was something related to my code but it has been fixed. Thank you!

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You should mention your last post as the Solution so others won’t keep trying to solve your post.
It might also help someone searching for help with the same issue if they see it was a coding problem and not a Pivot problem.

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