Why are the parts of my imported model displaced?

Every time I import this model from Blender to Roblox as an FBX its parts are displaced.

The model in blender:

The model when I import it using Avatar Importer:

The model is fine when I import it back into Blender so the problem is when it’s imported to Roblox. I’ve imported other models to Roblox just fine and even now if I export other models of mine from Blender and import them to Roblox they are fine. I tried to make a new Blender project that I copied this model into and then exported that, but it still imports like this into Roblox. The only difference between how I made this model and other models is that I deleted the “camera” and “light” in Blender while creating this model.

Why does this happen to this model???

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I’ve never used the Avatar Importer nor had this issue. Maybe try importing the separate meshes as MeshParts (create new MeshPart in the Workspace, in MeshId click the Folder and import one mesh, repeat for other meshes)

thank u, but wouldn’t that just mean importing and still placing the parts one by one? they still wouldn’t be aligned

When importing you can make it appear where it was saved in Blender, meaning you wouldn’t have to manually align it.

Hello there! Have you tried applying location, rotation and scale in Blender using ctrl + a?


This worked, thank you so much!

okay, placing a MeshPart in the workplace and then importing the model into that meshpart also worked! thank u!

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