As you can see in the video, I have 4 moving platforms, all are exactly the same, they are moved by a prismatic constraint and there are 2 invisible touch parts at the end of their route that change their velocity so that they move back and forth
but for some reason i can’t figure out they seem to lag or stutter on the client even tho they move smoothly on the server,
there are also some other parts spread around the workspace that move using constraints as well, but I have spaced them very far apart and and using Streaming enabled with a streaming distance of 512 studs so that the client only has to load 1 set of moving parts at a time but still 2 of the 4 platforms just won’t cooperate
thank you for your time
EDIT: further testing has shown that the reason for the sttutering is the orientation of hte platform???
for some reason i can’t explain how i orient the platform affects the performance?
there is no script tho, the platform moves via a Prismatic constraint, and there is just 2 parts that change its velocity on contact
EDIT: but i did it anyway
for i,v in pairs(workspace.PlatformPairs:GetChildren()) do
for f,g in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
if g.Name == "D" or g.Name == "F" then
if part.Name == "b" then
v.a.PrismaticConstraint.Velocity *= (-1)
I made the platform myself, using a prismatic constraint, as you can see the attachments are aligned if they weren’t none of the platforms would be working, also i should point out that the stuttering when i switch to server, it runs smoothly
there are platforms both closer and further away from the character and they all run smoohtly, i would show you but the forum gives me an error when i try to upload the image