Why can i still go through a part even though i enabled cancollide?

how do i fix it? it’s so annoying and i keep walking through my signs and walls.

Unless you’ve got some sort of backdoor, virus, etc in your game then you can’t just walk through the parts like you’re some sort of ghost if CanCollide is disabled.

i guess what happends is i put cancollide enabled on unions and it still lets me go through parts, only when i seperate it, it works?

maybe you set cancollide off in the player Character

Try going in to the properties and setting CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition.


how am i able to do that? 30char

to do what?

set cancollide off in the Character?

You can’t so that.
You’d have to use CollisionGroups to achieve something like that.

Did you actually test the script? The parts in the character get set back to CanCollide the second property changes. This is literally why all NonCollidingPlayers scripts use CollisionGroups.