Below is a spotlight that shines at the player. It fails to display the shadow that should be created by objects ( it puts it under the object instead(?). Doesn’t make a difference whether the shadow property is set to true or false.
GlobalShadows = true
Technology = shadowMap
Might be due to the graphics not sure tho
turning down grapichs just disables the shadow altogether. The shadow cetainly displays, just not the way it would if it was by the sun rays
Have you enabled that shadows property of point light? If it’s not set to true then it won’t create any shadows or it will affect how shadows are rendered.
Here’s a link if u need more info:
Point Light Documentation
Hope this helps
and not just in the project - even in a blank project, spot/point lights go through all objects. Is it even supposed to be possible to stop their light?

Shadow map only casts shadows from the sun, not light sources.
Okay it could be one of these things:
local things = {
Players character shadows,
Lighting settings etc.
low graphics in-game or in studio settings.
Could be one of those!
so I would have to code shadows myself for other light sources? Seems a bit weird
No i think he meant this:
You can find it in Lighting
this option removes all shadows, and makes the game look odd. Is this supposed to have a different effect?
Are you sure? Cause if you have ShadowMap turned on that will mean the lightning will be pretty bad you could say. If you have Future then the lighting objects etc. will look a lot better.
I mean you could try to check all your lighting proprieties. Maybe you have turned off shadows softness other shadow related stuff like Globalshadows. There really shouldn’t be a reason for shadows not appearing
ok so you are right. Turning on future works. The issue I was having in relation to this was because I turned certain settings on in the client, while I was viewing it on the server… kind of silly. Thanks for the help.
No problem that’s why we are here!
Happy to help!
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