I am trying to make a spaceship spawner, I already have made the script for the ship before so I know the thing is working. My issue is for some reason in the place I am in I can’t seem to get on the seat. There are no disabled properties. I am cloning it from replicated storage but I’m cloning it from the client. Is this because I only replicate it to the client? Do I need to replicate it to the server? I have tried checking the properties to make sure nothing was disabled but everything looked exactly the same from the one that worked and still works in the starting place.
I couldn’t supply video footage due to it not being able to upload on youtube and here, however it is just what you imagine it is
local function buttonPressed(plr)
local spaceship = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Spaceship:Clone()
spaceship.Parent = workspace.Spaceships
local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = plr.Character:GetDescendants()
raycastParams.IgnoreWater = false
local ray = workspace:Raycast(plr.Character.PrimaryPart.Position, plr.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector*50, raycastParams)
if ray then
spaceship.Body.CFrame = CFrame.new(ray.Position)