Why can't I import my meshes into studio?

Hi everybodyyyy. So, I built this nice cartoony house in Blender and exported it in different groups. Ex: I exported the roof and the walls separately. (that way I could color everything differently) I had one problem, when I went into studio and tried to import my mesh, this happened:

I’m mainly wondering how I can still import it. I’ve already deleted the mesh on Blender and didn’t save the completed build. Thank you!


Can you check the size of your mesh file?

How would I check that? In Blender?

Check the file properties on your mac, is should say how much space it’s taking up.

I’m not sure if this is what you mean:

These are all parts of the house.

If a file is 3.92 kb it probably means it’s empty. It’s likely that you didn’t export your mesh properly.

If you had just recently closed Blender there’s still a backup of your save file. Open Blender and go to File > Recover Auto Save and select the one with the timestamp of when you made your model.

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Do you mean “Recover Last Session”? If so, I’ve already tried that. So, the way I exported was to select the objects, export them by pressing the button shown in the pic below, and then to delete the object after I exported it so I could see what else needed to be exported.

Also, the cartoony roof file had the same problem as the others.

Could you send me the files so i can check it out?


windows.fbx (3.9 KB) railing.fbx (3.9 KB) stairs roof side.fbx (3.9 KB) cartoony roof.fbx (20.0 KB) walls.fbx (3.9 KB)

There are a few.

You could also try exporting the meshes as a .obj instead of a .fbx and see if that works, this has happened to me before and that seems to do the trick.

Okay, I’ll be sure to try that.