Why can't I join my game?

Alright so, I have a game Sword Mania - Roblox, and I can’t join it, it always kicks me with an error saying “Please check your internet connection and try again” or some “Failed to connect - error 17” (that one wasn’t exact, I can’t remember it but it was something like that). It also shows that I’m in a server on the server list, but I’m not.

My internet connection is fine, and there are no scripts in the game that would cause that to happen & I don’t have any plugins installed. I can also join ANY other game besides from this game.

Does it let you join it? and if not then what could be wrong with it?\

(Tried re-installing roblox and it has the same error. My builder also can’t join the game.)

Note that this is NOT an issue with my internet, it’s happening to my builder too who’s in a different country. We can join any other game, besides for games on our group.


try reinstalling Roblox bc im fine playing it

I have already tried that, and it doesn’t change anything.

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Bumping post, need a solution fast because I need to release this game soon.

try to disable your vpn. i had this issue before.

Maybe try to reconfigure your firewall settings with your antivirus would work, reset your router, Use Ethernet and not WIFI etc, All these methods worked for me before

Yeah I’ve tried that, I don’t have a VPN on and I still can’t join it.

Thanks but I just tried that, it doesn’t work. Also it’s not a problem with my internet, it’s a problem with the games uploaded to the group, I can join any other games perfectly fine.

Did you use any scripts from toolbox?

Nope, and I’ve checked all the scripts already.

Try to join a game on your alt account, to see if it’s something account-specific. This might be a backdoor script.

There are not any backdoor scripts, I’ve already checked them all and I don’t have any plugins installed. I’ve heard that other people can join the game though.

Try clearing your appdata files.

Nope, still doesn’t work, although I don’t know how that would have helped anyway?

Roblox has some files there so maybe that could help.

I am also randomly being kicked from the game for the reason “Please check your internet connection and try again”.

This happens when I join big games.