Why can't I put UGC Onsale or configure any item...?

Hello, I have recently had UGC uploaded to one of my groups and was excited to put it onsale, however I am getting an error message that doesn’t allow me to even view the configure page,

This is the error screen I am getting.

I tried it on another UGC item that was onsale already, I took the item offsale and went to put it back when it gave me the same error, now I am unable to change anything about the item.

This is very frustrating since I am unable to configure anything now. Anyone know a solution (I am not the direct UGC creator)

Thank you

Wrong category. This belongs in #bug-reports:website-bugs. And that is probably due to a website crash or internet issues.

It doesn’t have to do with that, here is a thread with a similar issue Errors 400 & 403 | Cannot Configure Offsale Group UGC Accessories

This isn’t a community resource, please change the topic to be under the category #bug-reports:website-bugs .

That just means its poorly designed website. You can wait for roblox to fix it.

@lilmazen1234 I have mentioned that already.

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I can’t find the thread to add it

its locked either way I can’t change it

Sure its locked but there are ways to post there by setting category to #bulletin-board and cotacting the Bug Support team.