Why can't I run my UTMM game on studio?

I can’t run UTMM (Undertale Monster Mania’s) game(s) on Roblox Studio

When I try to test play it gives me an error saying “An unexpected error has occurred and Roblox needs to quit, we’re sorry!”

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I used the UTMM kit made by A_RandomDoggo and Nikolander but when I run it, it crashes studio. I think their might be over 5 scripts running at once to make it work. I have checked the game for any virus’s and backdoors, no luck so does it seem that it crashes studio by running scripts?

Here is the image of all the scripts in explorer

Sorry for the wrong topic, I understand this is incorrect but I cannot seem to get bug reports since I cannot get crash dump files :frowning:

Hey body, if you want your utmm game work you have to put everything correct. Enabel HTTP Requests and Studio API. Then it shall works. If it didnt works watch my tutorials in youtube channel. Wish you can make it!