Why can't I see keyframes on R6 mode?

Whenever I try to animate in Roblox Studio, only R15 keyframes show up, yet in R6 old animations done before the bug occurred still work somehow, also showing the full amount of frames it uses, yet it is fully blank, even when converted to curve mode.

As of now, only R15 works, as shown below, does anyone know how to fix this issue or why it is even happening in the first place? Any and all information is greatly appreciated!

Video doesn’t show my menu, but trust me, no keyframes appeared when the hud was open, yet on the R15 one, keyframes do appear. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Make sure the rigs primary part is set to the HumanoidRootPart


Of course, do what you will, but I suggest using Blender to animate. Way better, smoother, much more options. Pure bliss.


A recent studio update has changed the primary part on rigs to the head, set your primary part back to the root part and it should work.


Thank you @baseparts and @jgminer1501 for the fix, I honestly didn’t know that the primary part of a rig changes the animation editor, but I’m glad you guys knew. @IceTheOneAndOnly, I’ve thought about using blender for animating, but personally, since I more used to Roblox, I’m sticking with the default animator, unless I’m creating a more extravagant animation, in which case I would definitely try out Blender for a change. Thank you guys!

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Sure! If you ever need a complex animation with better easing (using the editable dope sheet curves) you should definitely give Blender a try, for this, and many other reasons. It may be ccomplicated, but its worth it!

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