Why ChatServiceRunner is not loading automatically in my game

Hello everyone, I’m having an issue with my “ChatTagExtension” module. The problem is that I can’t get the ChatServiceRunner in my game. When I check on ServerScriptService, I see that the module doesn’t load, but if I test it on another game, it loads automatically. I don’t understand why it loads in one game but not in the other. I know that Roblox continuously updates the Chat, which can sometimes cause compatibility issues. I have a feeling they may have simply removed this script for recent versions of Roblox places, causing an issue for me. I want to add tags to players like “DEV,” “TESTER,” or “VIP,” but I don’t know how to achieve this without this script. The Chat service doesn’t have the “GetSpeaker” method or anything similar from what I’ve seen.

My line to get the ChatServiceRunnner:

local ChatService = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):WaitForChild("ChatServiceRunner"):WaitForChild("ChatService"))

Video to show the problem:

I’m also unable to change the color of the bubble chat via a Script/LocalScript (I’ve try both, LocalScript in first) like this:

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")
	BackgroundColor3  = Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40),
	TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(235, 235, 235),
	MaxDistance = 100,

What I don’t understand is that it works in one place but not in another even though the code is exactly the same.

I know that Roblox has always been a somewhat broken platform, but now I feel like they make fun of us a little. I’m a bit tired of all these changes, and I can’t seem to find solutions to these problems. I do not understand what happening to the chat but I feel like it’s just broken.

Thanks to everyone who will participate in this topic.

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Last year Roblox introduced the new TextChatService (official announcement: New In-Experience Text Chat System Public Release!), and it’s enabled by default since mid-march this year.

The modern(ish) dark chat in the video is part of the new service. You probably need to set TextChatService.ChatVersion to LegacyChatService in the properties to still use the old one.


Otherwise: In-Experience Text Chat System | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


Thanks for your answer, everything worked great now! It’s encouraging! I have the impression that the new chat does not have functionality to do what the old chat named “Legacy” is capable of doing like tags and changing the color of chat bubbles?

No problem, and sorry for not replying right away.

I found it to have the same functionality provided differently, and some cool new tools like bubble chat custumization, chat commands etc. I had to get used to the new chat window appearance when it first came out, but the possibilities are expanded.

I really encourage you to study the flow chart found in the third link I sent in the first reply. It’s a game changer for understanding.

Chat bubbles can be entirely different with custom appearance (Brand New Bubble Chat Customizations), there are these TextChatCommand instances you can use to autocomplete commands and trigger a signal like proximity prompts do, messages can be edited (with prefixes and colors) via TextChatMessageProperties and bubbles in BubbleChatMessageProperties and so on (more about costumization here: Customizing In-Experience Text Chat | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub). Also, system messages are now sent from local scripts for each player individually. When server wants to say something, it fires a remote event and client code prints them message in the chat.

Best of luck!

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Thank you for your answers, it will help me a lot and I will look into it all!

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